
Strategic Vision Booklet

The Caulfield Grammarians’ Association (CGA) is excited to launch our Strategic Vision Booklet which details our three-year strategic plan for 2023-2025. This plan is based on our core purpose of inspiring lifelong connections and nurturing a community of engaged alumni.

A number of focus areas and action items have been identified for each one of these priorities which we will work towards delivering in the next three years. In 2023 we will concentrate on developing the foundations for success: launching new initiatives, feasibility studies, conducting research and pilot programs. In 2024, we will accelerate advocacy: engage with our stakeholders, encourage feedback and build volunteers and advocates, and in 2025 we will champion and celebrate engagement: cement successful initiatives, evaluate programs and gauge deliverables.


While our strategy is a roadmap for the future, it is important to ensure that our goals are achievable, so we don’t over-promise or under-deliver. As a result, we have focused on a three-year outlook.


We are excited to take the next steps in bringing this strategy to fruition as we honour our traditions and history and actively look toward the future.

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